About Facts Caffeine

I am Heathcliff and I am a video content creator on the YouTube channel Facts Caffeine.

My channel Facts Caffeine makes 'true facts about' based videos about science & technology, myths, but mainly about special animal species.

You want to know more about me otherwise you are not here.

The name Facts Caffeine is inspired by my heavy coffee addiction. I started my YouTube channel on October 4, 2019.

I was already a YouTuber before Facts Caffeine.

From 2007 to May 2019, I was a debunker with around 80,000 subscribers. I made debunk videos.

In May I received from YouTube that my entire channel was demonitized because I would have applied misleading metadata. Of the thousand videos, YouTube could not identify any specific video that would violate the policy. Knowing that on the same day a UFO hoaxer with more than 2 million subscribers has restored monitization because his followers flooded YouTube on Twitter.

Following many negative events on YouTube, this was the last straw and I decided to remove my channel that I worked on for years.

Months later it started to itch to make videos again but I did figured out about what.

I don't want to start over and relive the same drama again because debunking is a magnet for angry fans whose idol I have debunked with their misleading content.

I brainstormed well and what always performed well on my channel? Facts videos.


Facts Caffeine was born.

Make sure to subscribe to my channel:


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